Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Artist Post : Edward Tang

Posted by LSolia at 9/18/2012
Edward is an artist from Seattle. He was born in 1979. His original focus was music performance/composition, but he later took an interest in digital art that combines music and technology. He graduated from the Interactive Telecommunications program at New York University and is currently both a musician and artist.

I found Edward's Trails #1 #2 on rhizome.org. I was immediately captivated by the soft rainbow colors, three-dimensionality, and feeling of movement. Edward created these neat artworks by using a webcam to record a person on-screen and then mapping it out on the computer using 3D cubes in real-time. He has self-entitled the technique "3D Video Sculpture." The namesake 'trails,' which create the feeling of movement on still frames of this project, are a representation of network lag.

With this project Edward explores the importance of the Internet in social networking, and the technical difficulties (lag) that arise when using such forms of communication. He also explores the objectification and anonymity that occurs when communicating to strangers over the Internet. You can tell that the figure is human, but you can't identify any facial details. . .

Trails is a strong piece both in video form and as individual screen shots. The digital/cyberspace theme is definitely there, but further thought evokes themes that most of us, in this technological age, can definitely relate to.

Rhizome artbase
Visit Edward Tang's blog here.


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